ID Please


Over the last week I have started to notice these little white fuzy things pop up on my live rock. They are cylindrical and have a whole in the center and look like they are covered in white hair. I have never seen any thing poke out of the whole and do have some baby feather duster growing so I am pretty sure that these are not dusters. I tried to take pictures but they are just too small. They are popping up on ever rock I have now that I have my new light. Any Ideas?


I kinda figured they were sponges, but not sure what kind. Thanks for the input. Does anyone have a picture of these Q-tip sponges for positive ID. Does anything feed on them? my tank is currently empty due to an ich outbreak that has rendered my fish population in QT. They have been in QT for 11 days now and I started to see those grow shortly after. Thanks


Here's a pic of a q-tip sponge... angelfish will feed on them (and any other kind of sponge)
Sound like harmless sponges from the family of Hydroids, come in all shapes.It took me a while to find the little white/clear pinapple shaped ones with its halo of spines.
Research many sites, as this looked nothing like most I was seeing online, then I found it after long search....Thanks to a knowledgible person on this site.......
This could be what your seeing,it's also the sign of a well managed tank my friend.


Those are exactly what I have. seems like hundreds, they are showing up on every rock. I also have tons of pods, that is since I had to put all of my fish in QT. I have two more weeks and then my scooter blenny is going to get real fat. Does anyone see a problem with putting a mandarin and scooter blenny together? I know I definitely have enough food to last the both of them a year and I definitely would like a mandarin.


IMO, your tank doesn't have enough live rock to support a scooter blenny and a mandarin long term. I'd stick with just the scooter.... or, if you really want a mandarin, take the scooter back to your LFS in exchange.