ID Please


New Member
:help: Could someone please ID what this creature is on my glass. Have attached picture....sorry, poor quality...can't take a close up with my digital...flash too bright. Without flash poor quality. It is kind of star shaped with what looks like a tiny mouth in center with lines going out to the ends of the points. It is on the right/center of picture....looks like a star. Thank You.


I believe you're describing an asternia star. A very common hitchhiker and not harmful at all. They will come and go, some big, some small--nothing to worry about. Try doing a search under keyword asternia and you should get more info and pics.


New Member
I am not an expert on starfish, but there is information regarding a predatory starfish, Asterina anomala, at the GARF website. They claim is multiplies rapidly and will eat sessile animals such as corals. I have no idea if this starfish is in your tank (though it looks very similar), but you may want to exercise caution and check out the info there. Good Luck


New Member
EDT....THANKS! It was just what you thought.......took out flashlight and scanned my tank.......and the thing was lunching on my pipe coral! Got it out and destroyed it. Have been checking nightly for others, but don't seem to see any. Thanks for all the info and search sites.


New Member
I'm glad you got it out before it's snack turned in to an all-you-can-eat buffet. I hope it was dining solo!