Id Please


I woke up sunday to my power head blasting sand all around the tank... after fixing the power head and pushing the sand back to it was level i noticed this red serpent/worm like thing about an inch and a half long violently slithering/swimming through the water... I couldnt really see if it had bristles on it or not... i assume bristle worm but i would like to be sure since iv never seen 1 in my tank yet.


Active Member
Could've been a bristleworm that got blown out of the rock or sand by the PH. Just a possibility. :D


thanks bigarn? Bristle worms are benificial right?? Its the only 1 iv seen in 8 months, do you know how they reproduce? A sexually or do they need a partner?


Active Member
They're beneficial as good clean up crew members. If you see 1 you can bet you have more. :D