ID Please


Active Member
I have noticed of the past few days i have all of these little ant / cenopede lookin things in my tank. They are different sizes, some as small as some of the sand in my tank, i notice them when they are moving along the LR. The larger ones have antenni and it LOOKS like they have a lot of lets. I've heard of hitch hickers being larger, but nothing this small. I cannot even photo b/c they are so small.
Does anyone have any idea what these could be?
Any idea / imput would be helpful - then i can look them up and see if that is the right.
Any idea if they could be harmful - i'm still cycling my tank, it is a 29 gallon tank w/ about 30 lbs of LR, and i'm in my second week of cycling.
Thank you for your help!!!
I just want to make sure this is / isn't something harmful, so that i can take care of it before getting fish.


Active Member
These sounds like amphiods and copepods to me. It's a good sign, it means your tank is supporting life!


Active Member
oh no get them out, oh no.....

just kidding. it is scary seeing something moving around and you don't know what it is. Like already stated....pods and bristle worms.
since you have such great life in your tank and cycling, i'd like to point out....try not to let your ammonia go over 1ppm. this will keep as much life on your lr/ls as possible.
good luck!!!!


Active Member
Awesome! Thanks for the info guys / gals
About my amonia though, i realize that too high of amonia / nitrite / nitrate is bad, but isn't that a part of the cycling process?
Hopefully my tank will cycle soon - i can't wait to get some fishies!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Its soft. I checked that the other day. I do no that they are growing with this one being the biggest.
its sponge


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Awesome! Thanks for the info guys / gals
About my amonia though, i realize that too high of amonia / nitrite / nitrate is bad, but isn't that a part of the cycling process?
Hopefully my tank will cycle soon - i can't wait to get some fishies!!

sorry the thread got sidetracked,and yes its part of the cycle , u can tell when the cycles over when u have no amm,nitrite left in the tank


Active Member
Thanks Snaredrum and everyone that gave me input. I have been taking it slow so far
Will aquascaping mess w/ my cycling?
I will post pics this week!