ID please?


New Member
Can someone tell me what these anemones are? I had a hitchiker on a coral frag I bought and these are reproducing all over the tank!


Active Member
Dreaded Apitasia. Can be difficult to get rid of sometimes, and most of the remedies are sort of 50/50 whether or not they work.


New Member
Originally Posted by patandlace
Yea get some peppermint shrimp and/or Joe's Juice to get rid of them.
Great :(
I'd prefer to go the natural way to solve this. Will any of the following fish bother peppermint shrimp?
3 Yellow Tangs
2 clowns
1 Fusi Goby
1 Scooter Blenny
2 Rusty gobies
1 serpent star
1 chalk basslet
1 damsel
various hermit crabs
a few turbo snails