ID Please


not sure what this is, but i picked up a new piece of LR from the LFS and this stuff started growing after 3 days in my tanks.I don't even know what i should feed it...if i need to at all. Thanks guys.



Active Member
Could be Clove or Daisy Polyp, a little similar to GSP. Either way congrats. good flow and light.


Wow...that's awesome. This is a new tank. What do i feed them? I've just been feeding my 3 chromis and hermit crabs 1.5 mini cubes of mysis shrimp, twice a day...are they getting enough from that?


Active Member
Doesn't need fed, just good light,water and flow. You can feed cycloptese,zooplankton,phytoplankton,DT's, etc. Don't over due it, maybe once a wk or 2. I just mix up a bunch of different stuff in a slurry once a wk to feed all of my stuff.