Id Please


New Member
Can anyone identify these? They started out small - two on a small piece of rock and in 6 months I now have about 9 with quite a few growing very large. Also, does anyone know if they eat small fish . . . I do feed them misys shrimp, but since they have been in my tank, I've ended up missing two small green chromis. . . HELP!



looks like majano's from the pics....get rid of them....if the chromis are missing you may have another you hear clicking or tapping at night??


Active Member
Ditto, Manjo or aptasia but I think more manjo... JOES JUICE, use it ... or they will spread like weeds..Not a good anenome to have and they will eat fish.. feeding them is not recomended either, they are usually considered pests not pets.. LOL good luck..


New Member
Stinks - since I bought them for $35 from the LFS . . .
Thanks for the ID though - no clicking noises which is why when the chromis went AWOL I sort of suspected these guys . . . but without knowing exactly what they were, didn't want to do them in unnecessarily.