ID Please


I am not too sure what these are, any information would be greatly appreciated, the first two pics I have no idea what it is, the third pic maybe a mojano??



Thanks, does the plate or cup coral need anything special? I was hoping the mojano was a baby bubble tip, I guess I am not that lucky.


Active Member
It may be, my guess is Majano. Let's see what others say.
On the plate or cup whichever it is a little mysis once in a while will help it to grow. If it is a plate it will eventually fall off of that spot.


Active Member
If thats a plate (not likely) you should be able to pick it up. They cant attach to anything. They are an LPS coral and posses a hard calcium carbonate skeleton. I dont have a guess as to what it is but I am quite certain that it isnt a plate coral.
I take that back...IMO its a glass anemone of some type, aiptasia related but not necessarily as much of a nuisance. However I could be wrong.


Active Member
Plate do attach as babies. There is a thread on another site where the reefer has a propogation site that develops these plates and as they grow larger they actually fall of the rock and on to the bottom. Then a new one grows in it's place. Not saying that is what he has for sure, but plates aredo attach as babies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Plate do attach as babies. There is a thread on another site where the reefer has a propogation site that develops these plates and as they grow larger they actually fall of the rock and on to the bottom. Then a new one grows in it's place. Not saying that is what he has for sure, but plates aredo attach as babies.
Your right but at the size he has its too big, IMO. My plate was smaller than a dime when I bought it and it was unable to attach. As buds they do but they are very very small at that stage.


The coral/anenome in question is about the size of a dime, it was on the rock when I bought it. It has tenacles, but they are very tiny with a slight bulb on the tip. I have seen it eating before, kind of curled up around whatever it caught. If you look to the left of it, there is some sort of colony of them, or something very similar. I am suprised any of them made it. I had a mantis in that rock, and it got the old fresh water dip, probably not the best thing for that rock, but the mantis is now gone, and all life on the rock seems to have recovered.
Again, I appreciate all the info, I am new to saltwater, I have a 75 gallon set up for about 8 months (getting the itch to convert my 150), and this website is one of the best resources for information that I have found. Thanks for all the help.


Active Member
On the left looks to be a skeleton of an LPS coral that once was. Could of been dendros, sun coral, candy canes or a number of others. Is what you have soft all the way through or does it have a skeleton of some kind? Im still thinking glass anemone.


Active Member
With the little balls on the end description I'm going to go with cup coral as well. I wouldn't think it was a plate because he's adhered to the side of the rock... plates don't do that.


It seems to be a skeleton of some kind at the base, very similar to what you are seeing on the left. I will investigate more this evening.


Active Member
Excerpt from another site:
"I got this as a hitch hiker on one of my order last year. I didnt know at the time what it was. It start off as a stalk with a green mushroom looking thing on top , then turn into a purple with green trim plate coral. After dropping the plate coral ,the stalk is propagating a new plate coral."

"Here is the new plate coral. It take a full 4 months for it to drop off from what i remember last time."


Active Member
Still voting cup! LOL...
That would be a sweet hitchhiker! How come I get sundial snails and they get corals?


Looking at the Google images I would agree with cup coral, not sure what kind, but at least it is not a pest anenome.
I guess you get cool hitchikers when you pay an un-godly amount for a piece of live rock. That Rock was almost 70 bucks, and it is only 6.5 lbs. It is an aquacultured rock from the Gulf, I bought it to seed the rest of my tank. All kinds of cool hitchikers on it.