I not sure about that. The shell, if that is what it, is is covered in algae and fine hair looking things. It moves like snail and the shell is round like half a football.
Originally Posted by USCG CWO http:///forum/post/2788622
I'll see if I can find it again. Had the tank up for two and a half months, and this is the first time I've seen this.
Lovely how it works out like that. It was 8 months before I saw my first bristleworm, and yet about 20 minutes before I saw my first brittlestar
Looks like a bivalve of sorts.... oyster or a clam.... or something. I had one at one time that looked similar to that. Unfortunately that computer crashed and it's saved on my 500GB backup and I haven't been able to locate it. Lemme see if someone else can be more specific for ya.