
Went to fish store to day and bought a beautiful colony of star polyps and my wife saw this thing that is about 4 to 5 inches in diameter that is green and hard that looks like bubbles and the whole thing is perfectly round,so he gave it to us.

ed r

We either need a picture or a more detailed description to help. What size are the bubbles? Are they all the same? Are the bubbles hard or just a rock or shell that they are on? Have you seen bubble algae? That is the first thing I think of when someone says green bubbles. They start out small, most are BB or pea size. Some can be nearly 1/2". Try to post more information.


I don't have pic,but they are hard and they are not attached to a rock if you don't wedge it it will float around is a little bigger than a softball the bubbles appear to be all sizes.He said it was some type of seaweed i have seen it in his tank for well over a year it doesn't see to is a lite green color.He did not act like it was anything harmful this guy is extremely knowledgeable has been in buisness for well over 20 years and more.