Originally Posted by asharp13 http:///forum/post/3141196
what makes you positive its and acan. i got those 3 polyps for $10.
acan would be my guess. For only $10.. score.
Originally Posted by jackri http:///forum/post/3141396
Green on far left is candy cane
Looks like acan in red
THen its frogspawn
then its a ricordia
Oh, turbo in the background too
how do you know thats a frog? rather than a hammer? my understanding was that a hammer has wider tips which i think mine does. what makes you say frog?
Originally Posted by asharp13 http:///forum/post/3141405
how do you know thats a frog? rather than a hammer? my understanding was that a hammer has wider tips which i think mine does. what makes you say frog?
Looks like a hammer coral to me. I have one in my tank..
It could be a hammer coral... but they are usually more pronounced on the ends than that and it just really looks like a frogspawn to me. I could totally be wrong on it being a frogspawn though and probably am
is there anyway i will be able to tell??? are the central mouths different? growing method? coloration? what about when it gets bigger will it be easier to tel then?
one reason i lean towards hammer is becasue the frogs ive seen longer tentacles and sometimes multiple bulbs on each one. my guy has short tentacles and only one tip/head/bulb on each one...any thoughts?