ID please

You guys know what this red stuff on my LR is? It doesn't feel slimy... as a matter of fact, if you try and touch it, you can't feel it at all..... it seems like it's slowly spreading on this particular piece only..
how about this fuzzy thing on another piece?... it's about the size of a nickel in diameter... it doesnt react to my touch but seemed to hide it's little "hairs" a few times when I blew off some sand from it's rock with a salifert syringe....

Originally posted by ThankGod4Fish
how about this fuzzy thing on another piece?... it's about the size of a nickel in diameter... it doesnt react to my touch but seemed to hide it's little "hairs" a few times when I blew off some sand from it's rock with a salifert syringe....

maybe the pic will help :D


First pic is of Botryocladia or 'Red Valonia' this is not a good thing. It can grow much faster than the green bubble algea and can take over your tank in a hurry. A foxface can help you get rid of it.
Second pic, not sure but it looks like it might be a form of anemone.


As Thomas and Melody said, a foxface will eat it. I have not had that algae, but I did have a foxface. Never had an algae problem when I had him. Great fish. Hardy and will get along with aggressive and non aggressive fish. I don't believe they are reef safe though. Not sure of your setup. Just some info.
I was thinking.. I could put the rock the algaes on (remember, it's only on one piece of rock so far) in a separate container with my extra powerhead and heater for a few weeks, w/no light... shouldn't it die with the extra O2 and no light??


I have that algae in my tank as well. It is isolated on a piece of rock with my blue ridge coral on it. My yellow tang eats it down to the nub when I don't give him his algae paper for a day or so. Very easy to control.
Second picture is a type of sponge I have seen them before and to get rid of Valonia I use a Blue spotted sharp nose puffer. They love the stuff. I keep some Valonia growing in my refug. and give him some every once in awhile as a treat. It never last more than a few seconds once he spots it.
Thanks guys for all the replies... I think I'll take the affected rocks out and put them in a separate container.. and I say rockS because there is one other piece that has a tiny amount of the stuff, I noticed yesterday... turns out the two pieces affected are from an LFS... none of the had / has it... damn LFS...
i'll keep you guys posted...
in ligher news, my tank seems to be just about done cycling =)