ID please.


i have little green and pink marble type things on my lr, does anyone know what this is? i also have a little thing sticking out of my lr, and it has things sticking out of it, its orangeish in color, i think it might be a feather duster???? and there are really really small worms on one of my rocks, they are i think white, are these good or bad? they are pretty small so i hope they arnt bad, they seem like they would be hard to get rid of. :confused:


Member i accidentally popped one of them....are they bad for my tank or do people just not like them??? and what are the really small white worms? they have tiny tiny antennas


Active Member
if the small worms are rolled up. ( somones got some pics ) then they are harmless and good.. i learned that on this board hehe


Not sure what type worm your talking about, but may be a bristle or peanut. :confused: It may be a new hatching. They won't hurt anything if that is what they are.
I would try to eliminate the bubble algae if you can. I've never had it, but they say it will spread like crazy. By then you may have a real problem.
All I can do right now.



Originally posted by atf88
do u think it will b ok as long as i keep it under control?

Not if it takes over the tank. I'll do some snooping
Is this the type worm by chance? Bristle / Fire worm?


i dont know, it might be. but right now they are so small i cant really see n e detail. and they are only a few that i could see just slowly crawling on the rock.


I'd say its a bunch of bristle worms. I've seen them at 1/4 inch and there were a pile of them. Later on, pick up a rock or two and see if a bunch skurry down into the substrate. (2 weeks).
They are a sign that thinghs may be doing good in your tank.
Couldn't find much else on the algae.