ID Plizzle

I have many small tubes in my tank. Theres a larger one in my sump and when I shine a flashlight on it a ceature retreats down his tube. All the tubes have some sort of web coming from the opening (that looks exactly like a spiders web) and can pull the web back into the tube. I'm guessing it's some sort of filter feader, but I want to make sure they are harmless.

yosemite sam

Active Member
They aren't really a problem, but keep an eye on them if you have lots of corals. I've noticed that their stringy 'nets' irritate some corals and keep them from opening.


Active Member
I have some of these. A dab of superglue on the top of the tube gets rid of them. They aren't a huge nuisance for me, I just like killing things. Lol, jk.