Id Plllllzzzzzz


Active Member
lol, ok in all seriousness wut do i feed them, i caught sum minnows froma stream,will they eat them


Active Member
dont the smaller snakes you find outside eat like bugs? i think also mice, not really sure though. my neighbors eats crickets


First ID the snakes. I can't tell from the pics. Then do a search. What do you plan on keeping them in?


Active Member

Originally posted by JAL1639
First ID the snakes. I can't tell from the pics. Then do a search. What do you plan on keeping them in?

i have them in my 20 gallon right now, ill post more pics tommorow


Florida is filled with those guys....they seem to be attracted to frogs and toads the most, but they say they will also eat small fish, worms, slugs, leeches and small mammals if the snake is large enough. Good luck with them...don't let them escape in your house, those suckers are fast!!!!