id plz


Active Member
The 2nd big are they? I have a friend that has "Nuclear Death" palys. I cant post who or where because he is a vendor.


Active Member
that disk they are on is about the size of a quarter if that helps.
edit: oh your talking about the green ones ... each polyp is about half inch across or so, pretty big.


The green ones look like "green deaths" or nuclear green.

Now, if you got those for 1.50 a polyp you got a crazy deal.


Active Member
well i have tons of them. at least 100 polyps. I had to break the rock they came on into 3 pieces. 1 went into my DT and the other 2 went into my frag tank. all for $30


Active Member
Thats a great buy right there! I got mine in a trade. Itwas about 10 polyps nw its 20+ in a month, but seems like im gettin nre babies every month!