ID question...

Sorry no pic cause a friend is borrowing my cam, but what kind of creature comes out of a rock like a feather duster, but instead of having a fan-like head as dusters do... it has about 7 "branches" or arms? I call them branches because thats exactly what they look like. And these branches seem as if they are filter feeding because every couple seconds they are bending inwards toward the center wheres its mouth would be i'm assuming and eating what its caught. Its really strange and I havent seen anything like it before so any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated
I'm not entirely sure that its a peanut worm. I know what those are but the only time I ever see one is when its just crawling around from rock to rock and looks pretty much like a worm. This is stationary with I'm guessing a worm like body deeper in the rock but I cant tell for sure. Just try to imagin a feather duster... but instead of a feather like head, it has 7 arms that look like tiny branches. Unless your saying peanut worms do this? All the pics that came up on searches show no evidence of this.
Ok so got my cam back and this is the culprit... you can see there its in a hole with its branching arms out around its mouth in the center... now that I get to see it this close up its really creepy looking.