Id Snails please


i got loaded of these snails in my been for 6 months finally i post it on here. It very hardy and grow all over my tank, it grow on powerheads, sumps, rocks, and tank walls. It release net to capture foods..etc..

do you know the name of it? it is beneficial?


New Member
Caribbean Worm Snail of the Petaloconchus species. This is a rather uncommon reef inhabitant that feeds by secreting a long line of mucus that it uses to catch suspended particulate matter, which is then reeled in and eaten. Nice Snag I'm Jealouse


Active Member
Vermitids are actually pretty common. I consider them an irritate (on the good/irritant/bad scale) because their contant casting of the net can indeed irritate some sensitive neighbouring corals.
I would not want to see too many of these.