ID some coral for a coral n00b?


I dont know a whole lot about coral, I need some help IDing some things in my tank.
A friend I work with is a big coral guy and had this growing in his tank and fraged me some pieces but he couldnt remember what it was, anyone care to help ID this.

These are 2 zoo that came on my rock when I started the tank, does anyone know what kind they are, or why one of them is opened so far its like an umbrella, it does this maybe once a week randomly.



Active Member
the first picture is green star polyp
the second is a GSP too (green star polyp
the third picture is a protopalythoa
the fourth in the red circle is also a protopalythoa that is closed inverted (that happens time to time nothing to worry about)


Wow, thanks for the replys! Im not sure really how to make the shrooms grow, they came on the rock last december, just randomly showed up one day, but have never really grown any, whats the key?