ID starfish.


Well-Known Member

Looks like a Froma starfish to me...reef safe, but hard to keep alive. LOL..six legs, its a mutant.
Why in the world would you ever purchase anything and not first check if it is reef safe?

tank a holic

Active Member
come on now.....
you've never had a spontaneous buy? lol
but yes, you should always know what you're getting before you get it


Active Member
It is definitely a froma.
Reef safe, really hard to keep... I tried one.
Atleast yours was cheaper than ours was. We paid 20 bucks.


Active Member
Definitely a hard star to keep, but at least it is not a linckia. They are even more difficult, in my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Looks like a Froma starfish to me...reef safe, but hard to keep alive. LOL..six legs, its a mutant.
Why in the world would you ever purchase anything and not first check if it is reef safe?
IDk, i guessed it would be reef safe cause it looked like a common reef starfish... this was my first time forgetting. i ask every single time i make a purchase.


Active Member
It is just a mutation. Mine was six legged after it lost 1 leg and 2 grew back in it's place.
There were some at the store that were 5 legged and some that were 6 legged.
It's like those astreas (sp?) stars (you know the hitchhikers) sometimes have like 8 legs!
It's nothing to worry about.