ID Stuff on LR please.


(Lower circle) dont know what this is it came on the rock with my dying mushrooms.
Its white/off white feels like hard skin, runs in a path around the rock. I cut most of it off and it heals quickley. There is nothing that I can tell is inside.
(upper circle) this guy has like 3-4 arms that come out the LR and just wave around. It will grab food and it doesnt move around. It just sits in a hole. (brittle star????)


Active Member
most likley a brittle, Oph mentioned the name the other day And I'll be darned I forgot what it was.


New Member
I have the exact same thing as the upper circle but cant say forsure what it is. I know the tiny stars like to sit like that to catch food and such but would like to see rest or it before i say forsure!!


i have the same on my mushroom rock they are miniature brittle stars.....Oph said it is unlikely they will come out of the rock. could the lower circle be a type of calulerpa algea? mine on the same rock is a very light green almost looks white from a certain angle and runs along a line on the rock. might be easier if pic of that part was clearer.