Id these please


Active Member
they came on the brain i got today any ideas?? they almost look like those zebra flat things... they have greenish centers if that helps Thanks!



Active Member
They look like Majano anemone. What is up with the brain though, is there any flesh to it?


Active Member
are the anemones bad for the tank?? somethign to get rid of?
I was walking out and I yelled to my buddy at the LFs wht the deal was with the brain, he said it wasnt doing so good, so I asked if when it died i could have the skeleton and he ran back grabbed a bag and just gave it to me. free semi dead/dying brain :D lol I was able to bring my devils hand back to life.. so I figured I owuld give it a shot, I got it in the tank and it opened right up so my hopes are high for it


Active Member
Yeah the majano are bad juju. They will multiply in your tank if not killed now. Do a search on the site here to see what others have done to get rid of them.


Active Member
what if I take it out... put it in my bucket of SW then scrape it in there... so the coral stays in the bucket... and the little irritating things get off him lol
is the krawk whatever safe to use in the tank tho?? how long do i have before they multiply? all the stores are closing in the next 10 mins and I wont be able to get to my LFS in time....


Active Member
Nope not sarcastic at all, they are very pretty. Do a search up above in the menu line here and you will find what others have used to destroy them.


Active Member
ya they used either the krawk stuff or red sea aptasia X... what about pure calcium?? they look sickly in the tank right now lol maybe there is too much calcium in the tank and they dont like it? haha I did do my search.. just didnt see anyone saying how quickly they spread.. like hours.. mins, days, week, months... I need to know if I can last till tomorow afternoon


Active Member
Hard to say, there could be more on the brain that are too small to see. Just get at them when you can. By the way not krawk, kalk. Kalkwasser.


Use Joe's Juice (or equivalent). It is very easy. You pull the white liquid into a syringe and put it in the mouth of the mojano and then give it some juice. The mojano dies immediatley and doesn't go on to reproduce.