ID this SPS


Some one plz id this sps coral. I am decided between a stylopora (sp), or a branching monti. Thanks for your time


I am not quite sure that this sps is stylophora, because of the fact that it has blue polyps. I have never seen a stylo with blue polyps, however, i have seen digitatas with blue polyps. Thats my take on things. If any one thinks otherwise, please disaprove me!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
It does resemble a digita and a stylo.Here is a pic of a stylophora of similar color.

After taking a closer look though the branches and the polyps do look more like a digita.


hmmm... This is one of the wierdest corals i have but, i have another one that needs to be IDed, this one im thinking along the lines of an encrusting monti



Active Member
on that first coral, the polyps do not look like a digi at all. the growth pattern is a little off for a stylo, but it could have been under weak lighting and was growing thin to get to stronger light. Sometimes growth patterns change under low flow too.
as to the second, Im thinking maybe porites?


Active Member
the first one is almost garented to be a green birdsnest (seriatopora guttatus, most likely).
The second one, I think, from that picture, looks like a porities sp. But a montipora sp is a possibility.
nice corals :)


umm, i dont know where some of you are getting the idea of the first coral being a green birdsnest. The polyps are a light blue, on a background of tan. I dont see any green on the coral, or am i missing something.