Just wanted to update this and ask for HELP!
My sixline I had for a strangely short time went missing VERY shortly after this, like just gone of the radar, looked everywhere never found him.
Fast forward to last night, feeding time. I was feeding the clowns and seen something move on the rockwork out of the corner of my eye. After feeding I check out the general area, and there he was, hidden quite well. THIS WAS JUST A MOLT. And he is about twice as big as the molt was. I tried to get pictures but he was to deep in the rocks to get my d40 to correctly focus on him, so I gave up for the night hoping to find him.
Tonight - didnt see him at feeding time, so I waited till about a half hour past lights out, and whipped out the laser piointer, works quite well and it seems as if it doesnt disturb anything, and I found the little ---- where he was yesterday, I put my laser pointer in flashlight mode and looked at him, he was MEAN looking, much darker in color than the molt with bright RED eyes. I quickly grabbed the smallest net I had and tried to get him but failed and eventually gave up.
While crusing around the tak with the lights out checking out all the other neat stuff that only comes out at night I kept going back to where I seen the crab, and again out of the corner of my eye I seen something move, on the big rock next to the one with the evil crab living in it. I looked closer, and there, staring me in the face was a HUGEMONGUS bigger brother to the other crab, atleast 4 times his size, same crab, just huge! Staring at me with his red eyes. He moved to quick for me to get him with the net, but thought id post about it.
Here is the picture that most closely resembles them, can anyone give me any more details on this possible sixline killer?
They both were very hairy looking like this one with red eyes.