

Active Member
looks like some type of anemone maby a glass anemone but not sure cant really see good with that pic


Active Member
it doesnt look like aiptasia to me but still not sure like i said bangguy know more about id on anemone...


Active Member
i dont know but i have a smaller one that is just light brown kinda like that one on my glass. is it bad?


Looks like a rock anemone, but I'm not an expert. If it is they are not bad. This is the description that this site provides. "The Rock Anemone is a small flower-like Anemone. The disk is green, tan, or brown with numerous short tentacles around the outer edge. The tentacles of this Anemone are usually ringed. The Rock Anemone will usually have a pink mouth and the base is often pink or orange. As the name suggests, this anemone will put its foot into a rock crevice and stay there. These Anemones are very hardy and should be provided strong lighting and water flow. Anemones will not tolerate poor water quality." I hope it was ok to post the description