

Active Member
Lastnight while inspecting my tank at night I noticed some sort of worm like thing sticking out of my rock.
Cant get a good pic of it but heres a bad drawing of what it looks like.
Attachment 227601
Tonight it was in the same spot and I tried to grab it with tweezers but it retracted into the whole again. Its tube like with spikes all around the head of it(top/end part)
Its not a feather, fan, ect. I dont even think its a bristle worm unless there's a different kind that I havent seen.
Post ideas of what you might think it is, so I can compare!


Active Member
The spike like things at the tip look kind of different (more spread out and only about 5 or 6 around the tube), they are not like the feather duster, fan worm ect. They more or less resemble apastia(spelling?) But I know its not that since I have some of those growing in my tank that I recently killed.

Any other ideas?


Active Member
Acctually sorry as I look at more pics of them it might be a peanut worm. Hard to tell since its pretty small. All that sticks out of the LR is maybe a mm of the worm and the rest is the randomly placed hair like spikes.