

I have this fish i think, its head looks like a cat fish but its tail looks like a wrasse,i tried to take pictures but for some reason it dosent show up funniest thing its like its a ghost,the reason i think it might be in the wrasse famly is when i had ick and i put my ohter fish in qt and i put it there to, but wheni started dropping salt it started acting funny and almost died i put it back in main tank and it is now doing fine.he is gray in color with white stripes going down his body anybody have any ideals


does it look similar to one of these guys?***********.com/images/products/large/pw89638coral_catfish.jpg
The Coral Catfish, also known as Striped Eel Catfish, Saltwater Catfish, or Marine Catfish, can be found in schools sifting into the substrate on and around reefs in the Indo-Pacific.
Temperament: Aggressive
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1'
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Caution: Venomous
Diet: Omnivore
Information from another site. I have seen them longer than one inch in local petshops.


yes kelly that is it,but i have had him almost two years hasn't been agressive so far.but i was wondering why when i put him in qt tank and started dropping the salt level,he almost died so i took him out and put him back in the main tank and now he is fine.and i got rid of my ick thank god.