idea for 25-29 gallon


New Member
looking for some stocking ideas for a 25-29g nano.
im thinking i want
perc clown
lawnmower blenny
midas blenny
yellow watchman gobby
what do you guys think?
overstocked? room for more?
any you would take off the list? why?
any you think i should consider adding?


New Member
and itll be a reeftank with about 25-30lbs of LR and a 1.5-2inch LS sand bed.
thanks in advance.


New Member
Lawnmowers need a whole hell of a lot of algae to eat properly, I'd only add it if you started to notice rapid algae growth. Plus lawnmowers can get pretty big. Other than that and the obvious addition of a cleanup crew, your list looks like it'll make a good nano addition, lots of color and depth. You should have a lot of action in your tank.


i think those fish would be fine my 29gal has had a few differnt fish since setup. and ive regularrly kept about 5 fish alive and well. i do have approx 35lbs of live rock and a 10gal refuge tank with lots of alge and a mud/sand bed. i will warn possibilty of blennys not getting along i had a bicolor and lawnmower at same time and it just didnt work not very sure about midas. my bicolor was the aggresor. good luck