Idea for copepod refugium...any ideas???


I have been reading a lot about how to keep my mandarin fed and I have not been able to establish a copeped colony in my 24g nano. I do not have a refugium and I cannot stomach paying $20 every weekish to keep him fed. My idea is this...
1. Get a clear acrylic specimen container and drill some small holes in it.
2. Attach it to the wall of my tank and let the aquarium water flow through it.
3. Fill it with porous live rock pieces and chaeto.
4. Add tigger and copepods and pray that they breed, colonize, escape into the main tank and keep my mandarin fed.
Does anyone have any ideas if this will work and any suggestions to maybe help the process along...I am looking for anything you have that might help or go wrong. please let me know your thoughts!!!!


See I don't find that to be true because I have had him for over 2 months. I thought all the pods i had added would have by know started to colonize but a week ago i found my mandarin struggling to swim and he was almost a goner...I separated him from the tank and dosed his separate container with live tiggerpods and he snapped back. He is doing fine now and looks great but I am trying to figure out a less expensive way to keep him fed...any ideas???


Well-Known Member

I am not sure with your size tank...but I was thinking of a Hang on the back type refugium.