idea going through my head


Active Member
stick with me here. I tend to get these not so brilliant ideas sometimes. please feel free to set me straight at any time.
the idea that I have this time is to turn my wet/dry into a refugium to house LR and some more algae. the wet/dry that I have has 2 compartments to it that currently sit at the same levels.the one compartment holds the return pump and the skimmer and its pump.what if I use a piece of acrylic to raise the level in the compartment that is currently housing the bioballs to a level that is more appropriate for the LR and algae, then place a small PH for circulation and of course a light for the algae. by using a piece of acrylic to raise the water level I mean putting it over the area where the water travels between the 2 compartments. if this could work I would eliminate the risk of a flood if the siphon for my external fuge was to fail. I know it is late, so I could either be far off or on to something. let me know.


It could work. I'd toss the bio-balls.
One down side, if I understand correctly, is the refugium would be before the skimmer. Meaning the skimmer would remove a lot of the benefits of the fuge.


Active Member
if you are reffering to pods, I am not too worried about them anyways. as of right now the fuge I have is connected to the sump where the return pumps sits so I am sure this is happening anyways


a wet/dry is an expensive piece of equipment for something you can do with a rubbermaid contrainer??


Originally Posted by salt210
I already have the wet/dry and am using it. want to convert it
i know. but why not just remove the wet/dry if you arent using it as a wet/dry and use a rubbermaid container? You'll have more space and make money by selling your wet/dry.


Active Member
I dont think Ill be able to remove the wet/dry now. I was just thinking if a sheet of acrylic can do this, why not try it out