Idea! NMReef, whaddya think?


Your weekend photo feature idea is pretty cool concept. Then I got to thinking...
...uh oh, now we are in trouble...
...what about having categories that are stickied at the top of the page like the one that you did, but have these permanently stickied. Everyone starts off a thread like, "post your angels", or "let's see your this or that" and then after awhile the thread dies. The interest doesn't die on these, so how about having permanent stickied threads by category? Like perhaps:
Reef Tanks
FO and FOWLR Tanks
Coolest/Favorite Fish
Large Angelfish
Dwarf Angelfish
Wrasses and Hogfish
Butterfly Fish
Tangs and Surgeonfish
Basslets and Pseudochromids
Blennies, Gobies, Jawfish, Hawkfish and Dragonets
Clownfish and Damsels
Groupers, Lionfish
Puffers and Triggers
Other Species Category
That way people can still post their own tanks but they also have an easy place to look all the time for their particular interests. And if the idea is workable the categories above, of course, were just suggestions but any similar structure would be pretty cool. And, they'd always be easy to find at the top!

nm reef

Active Member
Yup....there would be a lot of stuck threads and.......each of those threads would twist and turn off topic so much it'd be hard to tell which thread was which. is a good idea


Or maybe have like 5 or 6 of the more popular topics and then keep everything else the way it is? Personally, I wouldn't mind a bunch of stickies on the first page because I'll go through about 5 pages looking at all of the pics anyway. Heck, I just love to see what everyone has and what they are up to anyway ***)


Oh, and this is a great site. No real reason to tinker with something that works. Still, I thought that maybe I'd run my idea past ya. Kudos to and the mod team!