Ideal quarantine tank?


New Member
After reading many of these posts about ich, etc. I have decided that I better set up a quarantine tank for any new fish. I am getting back into the hobby after a 3 year break and thought I better do it right. I have a 125 gallon with wet-dry, protein skimmer, 330 watts of pc lighting 50% 10K and 50% atinic, and UV. I currently have 8 damsels (don't ask why) and 50# live rock. I'm about 1/2 through the initial cycle and plan to eventually have yellow and blue tangs, flame hawk, coral beauty, shrimp, snails, no corals, maybe a blue star, etc.
My question is: what is the ideal setup for the quarantine tank? I would like to put it under my main tank in the cabinet. Should the tank be completely empty of all rock and substrate? What type of filtration should it have and what type of salinity should it be kept at? Can the fish live very long in a low salinity situation? How about lighting? All replies appreciated!