Ideal set-up for single clown trigger

As I mentioned in another thread, I'm cycling a 65 gallon tank with a 2 inch clown trigger. I plan on making that one a reef and moving the fish to a much larger tank next year.
So far, I'm keeping it alone in a 65 with bleached corals, and tiny fiji rock, some live sand with a wet/dry and tower protien skimmer. When I set up the big tank, I plan on going all out. If expense weren't an object, how would you set up a tank for one trigger fish... what size, what filtration, lighting, etc.? I want the tank to be as low maintence as possible, obviously.
Expense is going to be a factor, of course, but I'm trying to see what the options and ideas are of those who have kept larger, messy fish.


I would probably go with a 90 or 120g for the single trigger. Ive found triggers grow pretty slow, but once it starts getting to 8-10" itll need that room and fill the tank out nicely. I would use minimal decorations in the main tank, only a couple large peices of live rock or bleached coral and a thin layer of a coarser sand. This will make it much easier to clean. I would use a wet/dry and keep the bioballs for the bio filtration, but add a 10-20g fuge with caulerpa to eat up the nitrates/phosphates and keep the main tank algae free. Since there is only 1 fish, I wouldnt go with an oversized skimmer, but something that is good for 90-120 gallons of salt water.


For lighting you can get Checker Plate Aluminum Ballast, this way you do not have to worry about rust and for bulbs look at Daylight Bulbs, these are 6500K, they will not be as yellow looking, both can be picked up from your Local Hardware.


I say nothing smaller than a 210 gallon tank, and clown triggers grow VERY quickly. I have had mine for about 4 months now and look at the difference in size already. I would personally refrain from putting a clown trigger in a 120g tank. You would probably be ok with a 180. Good luck with your project, clown triggers are wonderful fish, tons of personality.

That's a beaut, 210!
Here's my little guy...

It's nice to see I can keep some coralimorphs with him.
What are you feeding? I'm using frozen marine multi-packs now, but he's already flying through it. I may suppliment with raw seafoods as he grows.


He eats everything I put in the tank, mysis, brine, new life spectrum pellets, form. 2 pellets, scallops, raw shrimp, JS seaweed, plankton, and my pro-scraper :scared:


Active Member
just letting you know for next time its NEVER a good idea to cycle a tank with a fish no matter how strong a fish it is i personally think its mean but you probably didnt know that so just for next time.. now as long as it doesnt die during the cycle then id say a 150 gallon is more than enough it give a lot of swimming space and since itd be a clown trigger only then that should be plenty of room of course ore is always better so if you can afford ore then go for it! and a far as filtration id just go with a we dry rated for a 150 gallon which for everything overflow, return, and wet dry filter itll be around 300-350 dollars and then youd need a protein skimmer which will be about 200-300 dollars then you need heaters probably 2 so another 60-100 bucks 2 power heads another 60-100 bucks and so on!


Led Zep Fan no he is not the only fish in the tank, here is a list of the other inhabitants:

Sohal Tang 5"
Sailfin Tang 8"
Purple Tang 5"
Yellow Tang 5"
Blue Regal Tang 7"
Blonde Naso Tang 9"
Porc. Puffer 8"
Bluespot Cowfish 1'
Gold Stripe Maroon Clown Pair 2"-3"
Spotted Hawkfish 4"
I have corals too, that none of my fish mess with
Sun Coral
Torch Coral
Bubble Tip Anemone
Plate coral