Ideas for a 6 gallon eclipse


Hey guys. I just purchased a 6 gallon eclipse tank for my office; cycled and ready for fish. I know that I could probably two or three fishes. Any ideas? Any help will do. Thanks everyone.
maybe one fish. one that is small and will stay that way. it isnt exactly 6g. with all the equipment, lr, ls, you are probably working with four. you can retrofit lights for hardy low light corals.


i have a six gallon tall with a mushroon rock and some polpys,snail. with undergravel filter with powerhead. have one powerglow light and 12" strip and one home depo light fixture-but it doesn't have very good lights.. the 12" all glass strip is hard to find and is thirty bucks!!! any ideas for lights? or filtration? i would like to have more of a mini reef.


Active Member
best advice would be
bigger tank
for that size tank, i'd say a firefish, damsel or chromis, you neeeeeeeed a fish that will not grow larger than 2 inches, and that is even pushing the limits of a 6 gal,
caution, 6 gal.s are very difficult, you need to stay on top of them at all times, test constantly and do maintenence as discovered, don't wait and say i'll get to it later, a day or even a half-day wiht any probs(no matter how small) could very well mean the diff. between success and fataliity
the main thing is try to make it as stable as possible. what are the temperatures while in the office?????you can fit 2-13w pc retrofit. or/and a minimite light and make it a reef. since it is small i suggest small frequent water changes. so have a bucket of water with the same temp as the tank. try 1 pajama cardinal or a 1 firefish. or just some inverts they are just as interesting.