Ideas for a new addition



I currently have a 75 gallon tank that is housing 1 yellow tang, 3 percula clowns, 2 blue chromis, 1 squarebacked anthias (that I don't think is going to make it), 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 black spine urchin from hell
, lots of corals and hermies and shrimp. I want to add another fish that will add a splash of color to the tank. Any ideas?


New Member
you could go for a colorfull six line wrasse, but it should grow to be about 3-4 inches so it may be a bit much with all the fish you already have. I have a royal gamma that I love, so definately check that out. but there are plenty of other small fish to look into.


I'll second the gramma, funny, beautiful, brave little fella. Make sure the sixline is the last fish added, otherwise, you might have problems with new additions. When you add the sixline, you pretty much lost the ownership of your tank, and you have been demoted to a care takes. But a cool fish, always have had one, a bit anti-social, kind of a loner, but active, so that makes up for it.


I love the six line wrasse and have thought about getting one. Thank you for the ideas. I almost bought a gramma the other day but wasn't sure.


New Member
I will be getting my six line wrasse soon, so thanks for the info about it. I have a royal gramma. I love it, it burrows under the live rock and chills out when it is scared. But I love watching is stretch its surprisingly large mouth. The best part is when any fish tries to get into the whole that the gramma made it will open its mouth and scare off anyone comin around.


Sometimes I put frags in front of my gramma's cave, and it goes nuts knocking it off. Chases crabs, snails, anything close enough to the cave. Like you said huge mouth, but its more bark than bite. Peaceful little fish, will always strongly recommand it.


New Member
that sounds great, I gotta check it out. My gramma does not generally scare away my emerald crab though. It just goes around back(the rock it is under has a crevasse that does to the front side). So my gramma has made a nice home. Front door, back door, even a small rock he swims under and through to chill out, like a patio
. I will put some pics on my profile. Just gotta get my janitor kit first to clean up the place a bit.