Ideas ? On Colour??your thoughts>>>>


what could i had into my tank to make it have more colour???
and also do anenomes needs live rock to live ???


Active Member
um, no, anemones do not need live rock to survive. However, they do require dang near perfect conditions and are considered one of the more difficult animals to keep in an aquarium.
To get more color, you could go with a few fish, or some corals... are you opposed to corals? Can you keep them? Without knowing more about your tank, it's hard to say what you could add for more color. How big is your tank? How are your water parameters? What's your lighting like? What do you have in the tank currently? Going blind, I'd suggest you consider mushrooms and leather corals as they come in various colors are are relatively easy to keep. For fish consider a royal gramma, coral beauty angel, or maybe a few green chromis
Again, without knowing anything about your tank, it's hard to give suggestions.


Originally posted by jacksonpt:
<strong>um, no, anemones do not need live rock to survive. However, they do require dang near perfect conditions and are considered one of the more difficult animals to keep in an aquarium.
To get more color, you could go with a few fish, or some corals... are you opposed to corals? Can you keep them? Without knowing more about your tank, it's hard to say what you could add for more color. How big is your tank? How are your water parameters? What's your lighting like? What do you have in the tank currently? Going blind, I'd suggest you consider mushrooms and leather corals as they come in various colors are are relatively easy to keep. For fish consider a royal gramma, coral beauty angel, or maybe a few green chromis
Again, without knowing anything about your tank, it's hard to give suggestions.</strong><hr></blockquote>
50 gallon
coral beauty
yellow tang
cleaner wrass
maroon clown


Knowing the lighting is the most important. there are some colorful mushrooms that are very hardy. if you're into the more difficult (but not very) corals, I've had a lot of success with my bubble coral, and I just added a beautiful maroon open brain coral that is doing well.


well i have got a 50 gallon fish only tank hich contains 20 lbs ocean rock
4 inch sand bed
2 pieces of dead coral
powder blue surgeon
yellow tang
maroon clown
coral beauty
cleaner wrass
and 2 internal canister filters


Active Member
how long has your tank been running?
me personally, i'd see if i could take the blue surgeaon back for credit, and look at a few smaller fish, i might even reccommend the same for the yellow, but hey do seem to be ok in your size tank(just nt the best size for 1)
and i'd forget about anemones too, they are the most difficult thing to keep in a aquarium, they have very special needs, and even MOST experienced keepers cannot keep one for more than a year, whereas they should live for 100+, so in the aquarium they are best not attempted(by most)
go for some soft corals instead, there are many that really don't even need special lighting
and if you want more color, how about a pair of purple firefish, jsut get both toghetehr and watch(before you but) them to see if they are getting along well and living together(not just in the same tank), although they will not mate(successfully), they ahve been known to fight so you really want a pair taht will mate(odds are youll never have any young) and do not get more than 2
and how about a pair of cleaner shrimp, they are great scavengers and add a lot of coolor to the tank, plus they will help to control ick