ideas on cycling new tank

big tuna

New Member
just setting up 80 gal reef tank and would like some input on best way to cycle it. should i get all the lr at once? also some ideas on substrate. my lfs said that 1" to 1 1/2" would do, what do yo think? :)


Active Member
I feel your LFS is wack like most are. Check out my Reef Basics page for detailed info for new tank setup.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd follow jwtrojans path(sort of)...when I set up a new system I think I'll start with a DSB and approximately half of my intended amount of lr(I'd use un-cured at first)...then let it cycle with the lr...after it begins to stabalize then I'd slowly build the rest of the reef with cured lr start adding select fish and corals...takes time but thats what I plan to do when I start a new system :cool:
DSB is deff a great thing. Today i tested my water again (BTW.. read my post and please help with what happened to my tank) anyway nitrate was usually .40 ppm but today a month after i added the DSB it is now 20, Does anyone think it will keep going down>?

car guy

to cycle your tank buy as much lr as you can, uncured is better for cycling tanks, ls that is at least 3" deep and a few damsels, or you can use cocktail shrimp as mentioned before instead of damsels, and you can buy this stuff called "cycle" which is concentrated bacteria, which will make the tank cycle faster