Ideas on wet/dry filter setup


New Member
I am planning on hooking up 3 rio 600 pumps to a 120 gallon wet/dry. Is this even possible? If so, could I get some ideas on how the best way to set this up to return to my 55 gallon tank? Thanks
Hi, the only way I can see it happen is to, set all three next to each other . first one an elbow small piece of pvc to a t to a small piece of pvc and another t piped back up to tank. The problem tho is if one of the pumps fails you wont know in time and if you dont have overflow to your sump set up properly it will flow faster into sump than into tank. could be a problem in the long run.or just make sure when your return pumps are off it doesnt overfill your sump..cya...fixit :)