Ident Anemone


New Member
I have this anemone someone gave me almost 2 years ago. It has since spit out a baby that has grown to the size of the original, about 3" oral disk. They have a long column that is basically white with tan stripes. The thing is I don't have a clue as to what kind of anemones they are. They have a nice tan color on the tentacles and have tiny rings towards the tips. The tips themselves are white dots. They are very healthy and are doing quite well. I have them in two seperate tanks. The original one in my main tank and the other in a 30 gal reef. Any help would be appreciated.


New Member
I wasn't sure. I used to have a Condy but it didn't have the rings or ridges on the tentacles. I think the Condy also had pink or purple tips. Could be though this is just a wierd one.


New Member
Here is a closer look at the tentacles, if that will help. They have ridges on them and the tips are not bubbled at all, just a small white tip.