Identification of red (possible) algae??


New Member
Can anybody identify the red film like substance (Algae) that is pictured here in my images.
These are from my 12 gallon Nano tank. They are spreading slowly. On my Live Rock and sand substrate. Actually pretty to look at but wanted to know what it is and should I worry about it.
Thanks in advance.



Originally Posted by dgness
Can anybody identify the red film like substance (Algae) that is pictured here in my images.
These are from my 12 gallon Nano tank. They are spreading slowly. On my Live Rock and sand substrate. Actually pretty to look at but wanted to know what it is and should I worry about it.
Thanks in advance.
I have the same exact thing in my tank. I came on here today to try to figure it out too. Mine look to be splitting?


Originally Posted by dgness
Can anybody identify the red film like substance (Algae) that is pictured here in my images.
These are from my 12 gallon Nano tank. They are spreading slowly. On my Live Rock and sand substrate. Actually pretty to look at but wanted to know what it is and should I worry about it.
Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

Are they bubbles?
Could be a form of bubble algea? I'm not sure

Not really bubbles more like an anenome tentacle.


Active Member
Always hard to id algae. Could be some type of rhodophyta. It's nice I like it. Is it invasive, growing out of control?


New Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Always hard to id algae. Could be some type of rhodophyta. It's nice I like it. Is it invasive, growing out of control?
It isn't bubble like but like thin film like.
It is slowly becoming invasive. I wouldn't say out of control, yet!


Active Member
Could be Botryocladia sp., red bubble algae. hard to see how 3 dimensional it is in your pictures. If it is not flat and leafy but more ball shaped then probably bubble algae.
Reduce nutrients
Remove the bubbles during a water change, use the siphon hose to suck out the bubbles. That way if a bubble pops the spores will be sucked out.