

Guess what I just found trailing across the top of my tank?
it looks like a sea slug or something, very very very small, the length of the slug is the width of a pencil.
or about the width of the letters "th"

It is a yellowish color, although I can really only see the bottom of it. Has 2 antennae and moves kinda fast. There is no shell. He is cleaning the algae off the glass,I think im gonan keep him. Any suggestions on species?


Also I have what I believe to be some type of coral? It looks like brain coral, but it is growing flat along the rocks...It is white. Not sure as to what it is.
Also I have some bright pink/purple growth on the topside of a rock. Coraline Algae? It is growing along the rock as well as growing into the water coloumn.. Hmmmm not sure...
(Im walking back and forth from comp to tank)
