Identify Anemone Please


Not a close-up pic, but I bought this anemone 3 days ago - I was sure it said long tenacle anemone, but when I look at pics here, it doesn't look the same. It's bright yellow with purple tips and has an anemone crab living in it. It does not have long tenacles (like a condy does). Since the pic yesterday, it was severely shriveled this morning and almost all of it underneath a rock so I moved it to the top of the rocks nearest the light. Still doing so-so, but won't eat. I assume he's still acclimating....
Thanks for any advice.


Active Member
Looks like a very bleached or possibly even a dyed sebea anemone. Often times pet stores try selling them as "rar carnation anemones", but they aren't.


It's still moving and has filled out partially. It has a large solid foot (not depleted at all). This was a close-up pic I took yesterday.


I'd say about 4 inches. 20 gallon tank w/65 watt pc light (LFS said this would be ok - but I've learned differently here). I placed it at the highest part of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by musicgirl
I'd say about 4 inches. 20 gallon tank w/65 watt pc light (LFS said this would be ok - but I've learned differently here). I placed it at the highest part of the tank.
Unfortunately, your lighting is far from sufficient [IMO]. I almost never recommend sebaes if you don't have halides. Sebaes prefer to be on the sand too, not on the rocks. I'd guestimate it'll last 1, maybe 2 months tops.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Unfortunately, your lighting is far from sufficient [IMO]. I almost never recommend sebaes if you don't have halides. Sebaes prefer to be on the sand too, not on the rocks. I'd guestimate it'll last 1, maybe 2 months tops.



Active Member
Clownz, no I just have some experience with sebaes. Maybe you should give some advice on how to maintain a "healthy" bleached anemone. I sure don't know how to do that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
Wow shark you know everything dont you.
well, if you are going to get advice about an anenome, id definatly get it from viper.
pods and critters from bangguy
starfish form orph
equiptment and DIY from squidd
anenomes from viper.
ect haha


Originally Posted by fishieness
well, if you are going to get advice about an anenome, id definatly get it from viper.
pods and critters from bangguy
starfish form orph
equiptment and DIY from squidd
anenomes from viper.
ect haha
Ouch! I didn't even make the list

here is a thread with before and after pics of a sebae anemone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I bet you're in the part that says etc.

yeah, dont worry thomas. you are part of the ECt. I would also come to youw ith questions about clowns and anenomes, but i just had to back up viper a little. But although all you mods are extreamly knowledgable (and here i am, who cant even spell), there are specific people who i would ask specific questions. the mods and the rest of the super smart people who are included in the ect, i would ask any question. Like when i think of anenomes, i think of viper, when i think of clowns and aneomes and everything else, i think of you thomas. so in reality, you should feel super special.
no, im just kidding, everyone is super smart and i would ask anyone anything because im sure you all know more about everything than i. and im tired. good night


VIPER LIKE I SAID BEFORE... I saved that anemone it was EXTREMELY bad when i got it. It wouldn’t even open... BUT!!!!!! Since you’re the "EXPERT" I'll be extremely happy to ship the anemone to you at my cost. For you to make it worthy of being in my 75 gallon im setting up as we speak. I surely dont want any "bleached" anemone's in my new tank...
If you want it you got it just let me know.



Active Member
Yes I know you said you saved it and it was already bleached. My point was simply that it should've recovered long before 8 months.