Identify this shroom?


Active Member
Getting no response on the new hobbyist forum so ...
A LFS is going out of business and I have been picking up single shrooms for $3 a pop. I saw this one and got it for $8 since it had several neat looking shrooms. I took a picture to my other LFS and he thought they were bullseye mushrooms and said $8 was a steal. What do you think?


Active Member
He also said Tonga. Maybe why they are going out of business! Thanks all. I live in South you have a long trip Crox!!
I just identified another one which is an actinodiscus. Now on to the other 3...


Active Member
Originally Posted by fallnhorse
they are purple hairy mushrooms. i got 9 of them in my tank. from 1/2inch to 2" big.

You sure? I have some hairy mushrooms that look nothing like them.


Active Member
All common names...true ID as far as the proper name is tough with shrooms. You are going to find that shrooms are called different things in different areas.


Active Member
I know shrooms can be hard to identify ... I guess I should just be happy with my $8 purchase

I wanted some tongas or bullseye so I am hoping that is what they are. I looked at them just now and I have 5 shrooms on the rosk when I thought I had 4. However, shrooms grow really fast in my tank
Just wish I could get that acan lord to open up :mad:


Active Member
Acans are funny corals.Some people have alot of luck with them. I did'nt...I do have some micros that are doing great.I don't think they really like a whole lot of flow or light. You must feed them.


Active Member
Right now the flow is too hard for feeding. I will move them tomorrow. I have gotten some heads to eat but most of the time the food flies off before they can eat it. I will move them and see what happens.


Active Member
Try feeding them at night or early morning before lights on.They should have their feeder tentacles out then.


Active Member
They are tongan mushrooms. Not bullseyes. I have several.. they are NOT purple tongans however (the really expensive ones).
Very cool shroom though :)


Active Member
Call it whatever you want.
I'd call it a Discosoma. Doesn't look hairy enough for Rhodactis
,which is what Tongan/Bullseye Shrooms are.


Active Member
Its a tongan.. and if you want to take this outside then I will gladly do so... I kid I kid!
but seriously.. they are tongan shroomies. If I had all my resource info around me I would totally pwn.. but I cant find anything and im too lazy to even look.... what a sad sad world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
They are tongan mushrooms. Not bullseyes. I have several.. they are NOT purple tongans however (the really expensive ones).
Very cool shroom though :)

I actually have an order in for true purple tongas and they aren't cheap. These shrooms are cool looking enugh for me!!
Thanks for your response.


Active Member
I have the ones just like yours and the purple tongas. The purples are just like a really thick piece of round purple meat :p THey dont really look like normal shrooms at all.