ID's on rock


Active Member
I have a few Id's...
#1-found it growing in sand...cant tell what it is, sorry bad pic.what is it?
#2- what is this? its clearish and pointy, growing on the bottom of my rock.
#3-are these polys on the left and right? in the center...a small thing thats green with a yellowish center. what is it?
#4- is this a feather duster? they come in and out of the rock. ?



Active Member
#1 I cant tell what that thing is.. possibly some macroalgae.
#2 Looks like those thingys that I cannot remember the names of... lol They're sharp right? Someone else will know the name. It escapes me at this moment.
#3 the things on the left/right are anemones.. a type of aptasia it looks like. The thing in the middle... does it move? It looks like a limpit.
#4 Looks like featherdusters.


Active Member
Not pointy... sharp :)
If that thing isnt moving... then uh... dunno.. could be a mushroom.. does it have a mouth? I guess im not a very good ID'er! lol :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
#2 looks like foraminiferans to me.
Thats what I was thinking... is that how you spell it?? I woulda never got it right :p


Active Member
Those are ok. It just sucks if you dont know they're there and you grab the rock for whatever reason :p


Originally Posted by FishFatty
Okay, are the things on the outside or picture #3 aptasia?? Thanks!
Yes in the right side of pic 3.It is aptasia.I had a little problem with those and used a little joes juice on them and cleared them right up.


Originally Posted by FishFatty
okay, well i have atleast 20 of them! where can i buy joes juice, and how do i use it?
I got mine on e### and you get a applactor with it and you apply a little right on the center of the aptasia.It kills them in just a few min.


I put a peppermint shrimp in my 30 gallon when it had a few aptasia. When I woke up in the morning...all aptasia were gone and I had one fat and happy peppermint shrimp

It's not a sure fire solution as some have reported that they tried and the shrimp didn't touch them.

Either way, joe's juice or peppermint shrimp - good luck!
