Id's Please With Pics


Hey guys just wondering if anyone could help me ID several different corals?
the first picture i believe is eagle eye zoas. is that correct?
second picture is of some orange zoas but i am not having any luck finding out its names.
on the third picture. it doesnt appear to have any mouths or tenicals as to how it might feed.any thoughts on what it is and how to take care of it?
thanks for all your help!!



1) eagle eye zoa morph. I have them and they grow like mad at least mine have. Well all my Zoas do for some reason. :D
2) looks kinda like a leather that isnt opening...


thanks fish hunter!
any other thoughts on what the 2nd and third picts aree?
the third pict that coral has never really opened up to anything but it continues to grow.
any thoughts??


Originally Posted by loopy101
thanks fish hunter!
any other thoughts on what the 2nd and third picts aree?
the third pict that coral has never really opened up to anything but it continues to grow.
any thoughts??
2nd are also a eagle eye morph.
3rd I couldnt tell you.


Active Member
I too think that is some sort of soft coral.... like a near death Paralemnalia sp.
But it really could be many different types of leathers too... but that's what jumped to my head.