If i get a UV


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If i get a UV sterilizer for my 90 gallon reef, can someone give me a recomendation of wattage and brand?


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I've read all of the conflicting opinions on them and I believe if it will help to rid my tank of parasites while they are still in the water, before they get a chance to get to a fish then it's worth more to me to help my fishes health then to worry about any bacteria it will kill...as for pods, my sixline kills enough of them when the lights go out, so what harm will a few more dead do


its not just pods, its the microalgae and stuff that it effects in a reef tank. this is just my opinion


Active Member
I have over $3500 (canadian) invested in my aquarium. two days ago i lost a $300 fish to some sort of parasite....today I lost my $60 pocrupine puffer to a completely different parasite of some sort, I have also have a a couple ich outbreaks which I have taken control of. I am tired of losing fish...it's not the money at all, these are pets, just like a dog or cat, I am FAR more worried about the fish surviving then some of the microorganisms that exist in the tank. I have never quaratined a fish, UNTIL NOW. I plan on setting up a 22 gallon rubbermaid at as quarantine tank/hospital tank. Im buying a pinpoint salinity meter for when I have to use hypo on a fish. I'm buying antibiotics in case they are ever needed. And I plan to buy a UV sterizlier, because they will kill these parasites if they get introduced to my tank somehow. Yes, the q-tank should do the job, but I'm taking an extra measure in getting the uv. many people on the board use them and have no ill effects in their tanks...also none of the pesking algae's that we don't want growing.


i'm wondering if it isn't the fish in your tank that are stressing your new additions(?) You would be surprise what a yellow tang can do at night. This can cause stress and death.


Active Member
I'm sure it's not my yellow tang...my first fish death my a 7inch blue-ring angel....NOBODY, and i mean NOBODY would mess with this guy. he ruled the tank...then got sick overnight...died a day later
the pocrupine puffer....he would tear the yellow tang apart given the chance...got an infection, a day later, dead.
the yellow tang i have is really quite timid...im up late (4am is normal for me to go to bed..up again at 7am) and i see my yellow tang in the night...he goes in his cave and doesn't come out until around 7 or 8 am.


Active Member
I'm back to my 3 original fish...my yellow tang, sixline wrasse, and my sebae clown...these 3 fish have NEVER been sick. It's so weird, im completely stuck on this...Ill get a new fish...for a couple months he will do great, and then they will die in a matter of 2 days..and it ALWAYS happens on a saturday night, 30 minutes after the LFS closes...then they are closed sunday so i plan to bring the fish in on monday(he has a few hospital tanks)...but the fish always die before monday comes, this happened three times, just my shitty luck i guess.


Have you thought about 2 of the natural ways some people keep parasites out of their tank and off their fish?
1) Garlic
2) Cleaner Shrimp
I'd just hate to see your reef go down hill just to get rid of some parasites that you may be able to get rid of other ways.


Active Member
tj: I used garlic, one day after i had an ich outbreak, i have the shittiest luck
and i have a cleaner shrimp, he always cleans my fish...


How long have you had the fish that died? Tangs are notorious for getting parasites. I always though they were the first to come down with things. If you hadn't had those fish for long, could it be possible that they had the parasites when you got them? Do you quarenteen your fish first? The questions are just that, questions, not trying to say anything.


Active Member
the tang is not the problem, ive had him for 7 months with no problems at all. the angel was in the LFS for 3 months before i bought him..i had him 2 months, then he died
the puffer was in the lfs for as long as i can remember, 6 months at least, no one liked the little guy.....i had him 2 months, he died...the angel was the latest addition...i dunno if he brought it, the only other diesease problem ive had is ich like everyone else but nothing serious like what my puffer got...here's a link to what he looked like while he was alive, 30 minutes before he died...

his whole body was just eroding away....
im stumped....i dunno whether to get a uv or not...
I didnt use a q-tank before, but i plan to start using one now....


In response to your actual QUESTION, if you get a UV sterilizer, I would highly suggest the Double Helix 9-watt model. I have seen this in action, as I set up a friend/customer with one, and he has almost NO algae in the tank, and has yet to have any parasites, bacteria, or any other infections, and he does not do QT, although he should. Now, maybe he has been very lucky, or maybe it actually works. I'll let you decide whether or not to believe in them, I simply wanted to give you the actual answer to your question. HTH


Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what I can get my hands on to meet your needs by the pist you gave me...if you have anybody else that comes along, though, don't hold them for me, I was simply looking to set up a sump for my 100reef, but it isn't a necessity, so I'm not going to go out of my way to set it up. lol


Active Member
Ive got nobody else in line. Ive got a few people who want just the pump but i want to sell as a package. for some reason, everyone wants a mag7 pump :)


MagDrive pumps are really good pumps, so I can understand. I have a Mag9.5 I am planning on using for my return pump for my refug. for my 200gal when/if I ever get the plumbing for it.