If i upgrade to a bigger tank


New Member
Hello all!
3 part question here:
Firstly, upgrading is on my list to do in the future. How long should the water be left in there before i transfer my fish?
Secondly, Im trying to figure out how i can make 'freshwater'. Is it a mixture of ph buffer and water out of the faucet?
Thirdly, I've been suggested using Red Slime Remover by UltraLife Reef products. Is that useful? Is it harmful?
much thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fisharemypals
Hello all!
3 part question here:
Firstly, upgrading is on my list to do in the future. How long should the water be left in there before i transfer my fish?
Secondly, Im trying to figure out how i can make 'freshwater'. Is it a mixture of ph buffer and water out of the faucet?
Thirdly, I've been suggested using Red Slime Remover by UltraLife Reef products. Is that useful? Is it harmful?
much thanks!
1 your tank should be allowed to cycle then act like it is a new tank and add the fish slowly like you would normally
2 just use ro water? why do u want "freshwater" what are you using for topping off and stuff for your tank you have now?


New Member
1 How long should it be cycled? a couple of months?
2 It may have been RO water, Ive been told different things. How am i able to make it? Ive been making saltwater and bought RO water (?) from stores. I add in RO water when it gets too salty.
thanks so much for replying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fisharemypals
1 How long should it be cycled? a couple of months?
2 It may have been RO water, Ive been told different things. How am i able to make it? Ive been making saltwater and bought RO water (?) from stores. I add in RO water when it gets too salty.
thanks so much for replying.
1 cycling can take anywhere from a week to a month or so it depends on the tank and how much die off there is and what equipment you have.. just mainly watch for all the spikes (im not sure of the order) but your going to need test kits to do this..
2 well if u bought it from swf stores then it should be ro or salt water you should get a refractometer if u do not have one already try to keep your salt stable do u read the directions on the salt u have? i have found i need to add a little less of what they say for it to come out right.. ro water comes from an ro/di unit which basically clears water.. make sure the TDS? i think isnt too high


Active Member
2 i go to a place called commerce and i can buy 500 gallons for 100 dollars and i just go in with 5 gallon jugs and they check off how much i take each time.. but yes u need good water for your freshwater and salt


Active Member
will u be using live rock and sand from ur old tank...if yes..it shouldn't tank no more then two weeks but just to be sure always test ur water...then start adding in ur live stock slowly..
couple different ways to make ur own water...the cheap and easy way is using somekind of tapwater conditioner..but the best way is to buy a ro/di system...which makes pure water...i got mine for $155 shipped...worth every penny....i thinks it one of the best investments in this hobby...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
The best way to get rid of your red slime is to minimize the time your lights are on. Trust me, it works

there can be other factors causing this too such as bad parameters, old lights, the tank being directly hit with sunlight, over feeding, etc


Originally Posted by FishyGurl
there can be other factors causing this too such as bad parameters, old lights, the tank being directly hit with sunlight, over feeding, etc
In my previous experiences, reducing the amount of light always works.