if i was to do an agressive tank.....


Active Member
right now i have a 55 gallon reef with a fluval 404, and a Amiracle mini quad skimmer, we got a 125 gallon and once its cycled im thinking of moving all coral/ fish/ some inverts over to it, for inverts i have shrimp, snails, and crabs, and a cuke.
if i changed my 55 to a aggressive what fish would you suggest( i was thinking a dwarf lion, dwarf angel, mabey valitine puffer?) and would my filtration be good enough, also what inverts could i keep/ which ones would i have to remove?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
right now i have a 55 gallon reef with a fluval 404, and a Amiracle mini quad skimmer, we got a 125 gallon and once its cycled im thinking of moving all coral/ fish/ some inverts over to it, for inverts i have shrimp, snails, and crabs, and a cuke.
if i changed my 55 to a aggressive what fish would you suggest( i was thinking a dwarf lion, dwarf angel, mabey valitine puffer?) and would my filtration be good enough, also what inverts could i keep/ which ones would i have to remove?
Well, really your tank isn't big enough to do an aggressive reef, otherwise you could do all those WITH corals, just no crustaceans, but I recommend you do just an aggressive FOWLR. If I were you, I'd do a Radiata Lionfish (not a dwarf, but doesn't get all that big), a Fiji Blue Spot Puffer, and a Lemonpeel Angelfish. You could probably do something else, if you wanted to..because you have good filtration, but nothing too large.


Active Member
wouldnt the puffer eat the corals (same as a valentini right?) i think id want to do a funmanchu lion instead


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
wouldnt the puffer eat the corals (same as a valentini right?) i think id want to do a funmanchu lion instead
The FuManchu is ALMOST doomed in captivity. They are very interesting but can really only be kept by it self in a species tank. They almost never eat frozen foods..generally, they'll only eat live. The Fiji Blue Spot puffer i KNOW can be kept in a reef without crustaceans, and I'd assume that the Valentini would be the same, but I can't say for sure. I'm a reefer...not an aggressive person..just going off my own research, and from what I've read on here.


Here is the list I think you should have,
Maroon Clown
Valentini Puffer
Dwarf Angel
The puffer might eat the inverts though, but for a clean up crew you might want to try red starry hermits, but they could also kill your fish.


Active Member
i dont really want any maroon clowns i think they are kind of ugly
how does this sound:
dwarf lion
valentini puffer
wrasse (suggestions?)
and lemon peel angel


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
i dont really want any maroon clowns i think they are kind of ugly
how does this sound:
dwarf lion
valentini puffer
wrasse (suggestions?)
and lemon peel angel
Dwarf Zebra Lionfish (dont like the fuzzies, personally)
Valentini Pufferfish
Lunare Wrasse (aka Moon Wrasse)
Lemonpeel Angelfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Dwarf Zebra Lionfish (dont like the fuzzies, personally)
Valentini Pufferfish
Lunare Wrasse (aka Moon Wrasse)
Lemonpeel Angelfish
dont you think a lunare wrasse would get to big?? i would suggest a small fairy wrasse.


Active Member
well im still thinking about doing agressive so heres a changed list:
blueheaded wrasse (already have in the reef)
dwarf zebra lionfish
bluespot puffer
lemonpeel angel
how does this sound?


Active Member
I have kept bluespots with inverts such as cleaner shrimp, and medium sized hermits without issues, in fact he never gave them a second look.


Any Dwarf Lion would do ok in a 55, assuming there's not many fish in there with it.
A Dwarf Angel is fine.
A Lunnare Wrasse is definitely too big for a 55; these are large fish that can survive Triggers!
Any Dwarf Puffer would be fine also; but they might eat snails/hermits/corals. I had one (who went carpet surfing earlier this week
) and he occasionally attackes snails. And nipped at some LPSs.


Active Member
i wont be getting a luner wrasse, id be keeping the blueheaded wrasse, so are those 4 fish too much of a bioload or should they be ok?


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if i was to get a SFE , which of those fish would i have to remove , so they dont get eatin/ so i dont have to big a bioload??


Active Member
what do you guys think about a dwarf lion, a SFE, and lemonpeel angel, is that going to be too much bioload, and can i keep the SFE for life in my 55 ???


Hey....Alot of people will say NO. I think you can have a snowflake in a 55 for a while. Do I think it should live in there forever NO. But my buddy just got one and he has it in a 75 and this thing is TINY....It will be fine in his tank for awhile. If your serious about getting one they are 15 at livingston.


Active Member
ok, any other eels that you know of that could live its life in a 55?? have u had luck w/ fish from livingstons?? ive only ever bought 1 fish from there and it dissapeard a week later


I have a fish that I got from there 6 years ago. There fish are pretty good. I think better than creature. Not as good as natures but its alot cheeper.