If I were to upgrade

If I were to upgrade from an older model wet/dry filter to a new model how would I go about doing this without starting a new cycle?


What type of wet/dry are you thinking of. If it is one with a bio-wheel and/or some type of media, you can add it to your tank for awhile before you switch filters. I just changed from an Eclipse hood to an Emporer 280, no cycle yet and I don't expect one. Good luck


wet dry= sump or hang on? hang on run the new one a few days before removing the old. sump use all the old media
It is a sump. The pro 75 wet/dry w/prefilter on page 7 of pet wharehouse. Does anyone know anything on this filter and is the protein skimmer in it efficient for a 46 gallon reef?


Active Member
Why upgrade a WD?
I recommend upgrading it by turning it into a sump. They are counter productive in reef systems,IMHO.


If you have a reef you don't need a wetdry= media. a big sump would be better. lr and ls do the filtering. I don't like wetdry with attached skimmer ,they aren't as good. Except for lifereef but they are custom.
The reason for upgrading is the filter I have now is an old hand me down that was just to get me started for $ reasons. All is is is a 20gallon tank with a verticle acrylic chamber of bioballs. At the botom is a sponge charcoal a heater and a very large powerhead for the return. And I want some thing with a protein skimmer in it so there isn't so much crap hanging on the inside of the tank.


all I can say is if you have it use it if it works that's good but if you were to look for a new one I wouldn't reccommend buying on thats built all together.=cracker stereo in the 70's Not as good and a componet one