if it's not ick then what??


My yellow tang had what looked like ick. I took him out, put him in quarantine, and for the last week and a half nothing. No white spots and really the only time i saw those was in my display tank. What else could it be because I want to get him back into the display tank.


More than likely it was ick. Ick goes through several stages. First you will see it then it will dissapear but when it comes back it comes back in full force. Your best bet it to keep him in the QT tank for a couple of weeks with hyposalinity to make sure it does not return. I know how it feels not having fish in the main tank but the QT wait will be well worth it. The long wait to make sure he does not have ick is better than putting him back in and infecting your whole tank. I talk out of experiance. I would do hypo and start feeding garlic soaked food for good measure.


I've read about the garlic soaking but exactly how do you go about that and with what food and where do I get the garlic?


Kents Garlic Extrem. Your LFS should have it. Its garlic extract in the liquid form. You put a couple of drops on the food and let it soak a while then feed. Garlic helps their immune system and helps finiky eaters eat. It also helps them fight off ick. You can also crush a garlic clove and mix a little of that in the food. Its also a good preventative but not a cure to disease.